Dr. Maria Montessori was a world-renowned educator who developed specific methods and philosophies of education. Though developed in the early 1900’s, this approach to learning is well suited for preparing for success in any century.
The Montessori Method provides an open-ended environment that does not limit what a child can do. The teacher collaborates with the child and the environment to provide all kinds and levels of learning opportunities that maximizes the individual potential of the child.

Children have a natural curiosity and love of learning. Our teachers and the environment support this natural curiosity for optimal learning.

Each child’s individual pace and learning style is promoted and facilitated through a sense of discovery.

Prepared Environment
Children’s strong sense of order is supported through the Montessori prepared environment. This environment encourages independent learning and spontaneous exploration on the part of the child through the attractive and age appropriate design.

Multi-age classrooms
Multi-age classrooms provide many benefits by allowing older and younger children the ability to observe and interact with one another. The older children are able to model the appropriate use of materials to the younger ones. This naturally inspires the younger children to learn and internalize what they observe.

Art & Music
The art and music area of the classroom give the child the opportunity to enjoy creative activities.